Artist Spotlight: Alan Quiros

When I started working with Rami back in the mid-2000’s, Shadow Magnets already existed as a line of approximately 10 characters. Nearly 20 years later, I finally got to virtually meet the artist who developed the original characters from Rami’s idea of interactive magnets inspired by Balinese shadow puppets.

Alan Quiros

Alan studied Industrial Design at SFSU while learning the modelmaker's trade at California Model and Design. He moved to New York for his MFA and returned to a concept artist career in San Francisco, all the while helping Rami develop products for the Shadow Magnets line. He is a San Francisco native and continues to help Elements2 Design bring ideas into reality. His truck art can be seen at

Alan kindly shared some of the initial sketches for Shadow Magnets characters.

The sketched Giraffe looks pretty close to final.

The sketched Giraffe looks pretty close to final.

Wait. Jazz could have been a treble clef?!

Wait. Jazz could have been a treble clef?!

Our beloved Clown and Monkey.

Our beloved Clown and Monkey.

Are those dinosaur heads?

Are those dinosaur heads?

This never went into production, but the idea of a dino Shadow Magnet lives on. Check out our Instagram for a sneak peek.

This never went into production, but the idea of a dino Shadow Magnet lives on. Check out our Instagram for a sneak peek.

Java was an altogether different character at one point.

Java was an altogether different character at one point.

Thanks for sharing, Alan!


In Memory


Shadow Magnets Inspire Dance