2024 Donation: A Group Effort
Every January, I sit down to calculate how much we will be donating from the previous year, according to our Giving Pledge. Sales were down in 2024, so the thought of giving away money when we were in the negative for the year triggered a bit of anxiety. But a promise is a promise, and there will always be people in greater need, so we put out a call asking for noprofit recommendations who could benefit from our small donations.
The criteria:
Must help humans. I could easily rattle off a good handful of local pet rescues who could really benefit from any funds. Helping animals is noncontroversial, but then I remembered the original intent of starting the Giving Pledge — to support organizations that actively do the work to improve the human condition.
Small contributions -> immediate impact. I’d be happy to make $100 donations to multiple organizations if that means that we can spread out the utility of our funds. Grassroots groups are great.
Must be apolitical. The Giving Pledge is about helping people, not furthering agendas. I think that’s common ground that we can all stand on, right?
It was so lovely seeing the emails come in with specific recommendations. I had faith that our customers would have a good read on the needs of our fellow humans, and you did not disappoint. The most frequent suggestion was to feed the hungry because food should be basic human right. There were also requests to help those impacted by the L.A. fires and war violence in the Middle East. After doing some research on all of the recommended organizations, the following are the nonprofits that have received funds from our 2024 Giving Pledge:
St. Mary’s Caring Soup Kitchen: $235
St. Mary’s mission is simple – to feed anyone who needs a meal. No questions asked. They operate 6 days a week in Great Mills, Maryland.
Sacramento Loaves & Fish: $235
Loaves & Fish serves the needs of those experiencing homelessness in California’s state capitol. Their mission:
“In the spirit of hospitality and radical love, Loaves & Fishes is an oasis for guests seeking respite and a space of belonging. To ensure that our guests are served without judgment or barrier, we do not accept government funds. Our programs are 100% run by the generosity of individual supporters, local businesses, and community foundations.”
Wild Grief: $235
My 20’s felt like a constant confrontation with death. My dad. Two pets. Two uncles. One grandparent. I was alone. It felt like a lot. Wild Grief is a free peer support program in the Washington state area that helps people process grief by temporarily taking them out of the routine into a space vast enough to handle their emotions.
California Fire Foundation: $150
California has been my home for the last 40+ years. Growing up, fire was considered a possible, but distant threat. This is no longer the case. According to their website, “The California Fire Foundation provides critical support to surviving families of fallen firefighters, firefighters, and the communities they serve. Your tax-deductible donation will help us provide aid to victims of wildfires or other natural disaster through our Wildfire & Disaster Relief programs.”
Pen & Napkin: $150
Having a place to stay is not the same as having a place to call home. Pen & Napkin helps families rebuild lives by providing the elements that make a house a home. We specifically donated to their their fund helping 10 families affected by the SoCal wildfires.
Heal Palestine: $150
Gaza, an area that’s approximately the size of Las Vegas with 3x the population (approximately 2.1 million), has been pummeled by 15 months of war. Casualty figures as of February 3, 2025:
Killed: at least 61,709 people, including 17,492 children
Injured: more than 111,588 people
Missing and presumed dead: more than 14,222
I don’t pretend to know how to justify this suffering, but no one deserves this. HEAL Palestine works in the area to rebuild children’s lives.
Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA): $150
Kids are not responsible for the current war, but they are the ones who can do nothing to escape its effects. MECA supports community projects that work to improve the well-being of kids in the Middle East.
“Thank you for making it possible for this little company who makes fun, novelty goods to do something that serves the needs of our fellow humans. If you are able, I am sure that these worthy organizations would appreciate your additional support.”