Let's do something together

With the impending bombardment of weekend deals and steals that always coincides with a major American holiday, I have been racking my brain over what type of sale to offer to entice customers. And then the Buffalo grocery store shooting happened. And the church shooting in Irvine. And now the Uvalde school shooting. Hyping up deals seems trite in the face of senseless and unnecessary tragedy. I go to supermarkets. I am a Taiwanese American who grew up in Irvine and attends church every week. I raise three 3rd graders who can’t wait for summer break to begin. Violence isn’t somebody else’s problem when we are just as likely to become a victim as anyone else.

So…instead of blasting everyone about yet another Memorial Day sale, I propose this:

From May 26 to December 31, 2022, $1 from every item purchased on the elements2.com retail website will be donated to a non-profit organization dedicated to helping to improve lives.

Right now, Moms Demand Action and Everytown look good. Maybe we’ll have enough funds to donate to multiple organizations. Perhaps we’ll vote to determine which organizations to donate to. Gun violence is top-of-mind at the moment, but that’s not to say that there aren’t countless other causes that deserve our help. The regularity of tragedies means that someone always could use funds.

Why do this, and why now? I, for one, have always been someone who is full of good intention but lack follow-through when it comes to donating to causes. Life happens, and other, more immediate things require funds. The water heater breaks. Kid needs a filling. Setting a plan, and publishing the plan makes me accountable to follow through.

Are you in the same boat? Join me! It doesn’t require doing anything different. Just continue shopping with us!

I’m uncertain if this pledge will be sustainable, but this one woman company promises to give this giving pledge an honest shot. My hope is that the pledge can become an ongoing policy. Together, let’s do more than just feel sad. Money talks in capitalism, so let’s do something together.

Happy Memorial Day!


Holiday Shipping Deadlines 2022


And the winner is...