And the winner is...

The wait is over. We’ve tabulated the votes for the next Shadow Magnets character, and the winner is…


Who guessed right??

Meet Bob, the blob fish. It was a close race, but the results are clear. Bob will be the next character to join our Shadow Magnets line-up. With his amorphous appearance and surly demeanor, we know he will fit right into the family!


The real winner of our Shadow Magnets Character survey: CHEF

Chef was in the lead from the very first day of polling. This makes my heart happy because it was one of the last designs that Rami and I worked on together before his passing. What should we name her though? Just Chef? Let me know if you have any ideas!


  1. Finalize design.

  2. Create a Kickstarter campaign.

  3. Produce our next Shadow Magnets character (hopefully!)

This is all new terrain for me, so thanks for following along, and happy April Fools!


Let's do something together


New shipping rates. That's good news, especially for international folk!